Our Partner Farms
We are lucky enough to work with two biodynamic farms near Forest Row in East Sussex. They share our commitment to educating families about food production and farming practice. You can find out more about each of them below.​

Tablehurst Biodynamic Farm
"Tablehurst is a biodynamic farm, which means that the whole farm, including the garden, is treated as a single organism in which all the different activities are interconnected and all are dependent on a symbiotic relationship with the natural environment. We grow food for consumption now, but we farm for the long term, caring for wildlife, building soil fertility, and always striving for more sustainable ways to feed our community"

Plawhatch Farm
"Plaw Hatch Farm is a 200-acre community-owned farm on the edge of the Ashdown Forest near Sharpthorne. It has been a biodynamic farm for forty years and is owned by a charitable trust. They farm close to 500 acres within a 12-mile radius of the main farm. As tenant farmers their aim is to provide as wide a range of produce as possible, principally to the local community. They are a mixed farm with a dairy herd providing raw milk, cheeses, yoghurts and cream. They also keep sheep, pigs and laying hens. A garden of 12 acres provides a range of seasonally available fruit and vegetables."